Monday, January 20, 2014

Is Change Good?

 Now, this isn't a post about fashion, or cooking, or even crafting... which I know this blog is suppose to be about but sometimes a girl needs to voice her opinion on a issue or fact. I promise this will be one of few! I do have a new post on a DIY mirror coming up that I hope you will all enjoy! I also hope I can be more active as things keep popping up and I find myself too busy to even breath.

The issue is on change... is it good? This whole topic came to me when I found out that Glee is moving to New York to finish up their final season. I was upset when the New Directions ended... I felt like the entire show was suppose to be about the club and the music and it ended up being more about the individual characters and not the essence of the show. Now, I do believe that this show had one of the best character developments that I have ever seen! You really fell in love with each character and you didn't want to see them leave but there comes a time for change. In real life people grow up and move on, I am seeing this myself in high school and friends change and reality too. The show should have kept with the school and have the older characters move on to college or Broadway and then have little guest appearances here and there and then move on! I think people didn't want to see their favorite characters go away so they held on to them, and wouldn't let them go. Now the show will be ending in New York... the  show is called, Glee, which is a high school club and now its about young-adults in New York? I like the idea and all, but it should have just been a spin-off. I was really starting to enjoy the new characters they had introduced and it will be disheartening to see the show leave its original purpose. Not only is it trying to latch on to the last minutes left with old characters but its also sending somewhat of a messed up message. Glee club was suppose to be a place for the out-casts and a place for people to find themselves. So now the club is gone and where will that high school go now? Will it become the same miserable place it was before? Or are they eluding to a rebirth in the future? All in all it was upsetting to me in some ways to hear the news. It also brings me to my main point... change. Now moving the show to New York is change... but moving away from the original purpose... I don't know it is so confusing. I think creating a new generation of Gleeks would have been good change! It also would bring the show more revenue! I liked the direction they were going with the new cast and will be sad to see the end of this prolific show.

Places where I have seen good change are examples of Batman. At the end of the Dark Knight Rises we see "Robin-Hood" elude to being the next Batman which I thought was fantastic! Christian Bale wasn't going to be Batman forever (Ha! get it?) and like so many Batmans before him he retired and passed on the mask. Another example is with Doctor Who! Yeah, everyone cried when Rose got stuck in a parallel universe and David Tennant's "Doctor" left the show to be replaced with Matt Smith... but we learned to love the change! We never would've got Donna Noble, Amy Pond "The Girl who Waited", Rory "The Last Centurion", or River Song, Clara, and now our new Doctor who I'm sure I'll learn to love as well.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is change is good. Change can also be excruciatingly difficult but in the end is a part of life and ultimately good... I know, for I, like every other human being goes through it. Instead of mourning the change in my life, I've learned to embrace it! I set goals for myself and aim high! I have lord knows how many decades left to live, but I intend on living them to the best of my ability and thus myself... changing the world... for the better.

Okay, so that got deep! I promise this is a once yearly ordeal... so I got it out of my system! I promise to have my DIY tutorial up soon, so no fear. Have a fantastic year, a fantastic life, I'll see you all soon.

- Ingrid

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